Oct. 23, 2019

Episode 4: Mobilizing Voters Past the Campaign with Teresa Guzman Pagan

Episode 4: Mobilizing Voters Past the Campaign with Teresa Guzman Pagan
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Episode 4: Mobilizing Voters Past the Campaign with Teresa Guzman Pagan

Politics in any country is often a matter of who you know. But how do you break in, especially when you can't lean on family or college connections? If you are Miami resident Teresa Guzman Pagan, you take your love of Anderson Cooper and the West Wing...

Politics in any country is often a matter of who you know. But how do you break in, especially when you can't lean on family or college connections? If you are Miami resident Teresa Guzman Pagan, you take your love of Anderson Cooper and the West Wing and just jump in.

We discuss with the Manhattanville College alumnus what it was like to work on Hillary Clinton’s Presidential run and how her work in local races since then have shaped her political education and perspective. We also talk to her about her current work as Senior Voter Registration Manager for the New Florida Majority and what the political landscape looks like heading into 2020. What’s the difference between political engagement here and in the DR and what does the future hold for a demographic that is still waiting to find its political voice in the Sunshine state.

Her social media: Twitter: teresagp94 | IG: @chiefofstaffpagan

Who she is paying forward: Visual artist and positive body image advocate Yadira G. Morel (IG: @somefreesoul), musician La Marimba (IG:la.marimba) & designer Erica Hernandez-Guttmann (IG: emhouseofdsgn)